As you all know we both have full time jobs in the fashion industry as stylists and run our beloved WAT blog alongside our day to day hectic schedules, working evenings and weekends to come up with original & unique content each week. We’re very lucky with (both!) our jobs that it’s actually part of our working criteria to go to the newest & trendiest hotels, eat in prestigious restaurants, wear new season clothes before they hit the shop floors and work with some incredible people and brands… however, sometimes it feels like the biggest treat of all to take a step back, have some time out, (try) to forget about work and just eat ourselves silly!
Since WAT has really taken off, it’s been a real rarity lately to actually spend quality time with our hubs and just do something really “normal” and casual on the weekend. We’re sure you all know what it feels like when you’re so busy & time just flies by and all of a sudden you crave just going for a local lunch and having a stroll in the crisp fresh air.
So, this weekend we decided to practice what we preach and spend the day with our husbands, going for lunch in Hampstead and we had such a perfect day!
We’re often asked when we feel best and ‘sexy’ and we can honestly say it’s when we’re dressed down and feeling relaxed. That means, no outfit planning, wearing minimal makeup and simply doing what we want to do! You may think it’s quite ironic with our glamorous (on the surface!) jobs, but nothing feels better for us than when we’re with our other (better) halves and just not caring about anything else than totally switching off and spending quality time with them.
We’ve teamed up with Zalando and Calvin Klein Underwear for their #shareyoursexy campaign and we wanted to share with you our Sunday…our ‘sexy’.
Philippa’s wearing:
Filippa K coat from Zalando | Nicole Farhi knit | Zara jeans (similar here) | Jimmy Choo boots (black version here) | Valentino bag
Sarah’s wearing:
Filippa K knit from Zalando | H&M coat | Zara jeans | Topshop boots (similar here) | Chloe bag (larger size here)
First up it was our favourite brunch (avo and eggs, obvs!)
Outfit wise it was cosy, muted basics for simple Sunday style…
Fun times with our darling hubs!
If you haven’t been to the Hampstead creperie then you need to, pronto! We both had nutella and banana pockets of joy and we savoured every mouthful!
Shop some more Sunday staples here…