We Are Twinset
17th July 2023



For those of you that follow us on Instagram, you will know how obsessed we are with the Joe and The Juice spicy tuna sandwich. Anytime we are shooting outside our office we ensure we head straight for a spicy tuna on our way home, our little spark of joy for the day! But for those days we make our lunch ourselves we needed to make our own…so here’s the Twinset insisted recipe that has got us ever so excited!

  1. Start off with some thin slices of bread (we love Warburton sandwich thins!) and add your tuna mayo mix.
  2. Add some jalapenos, pickled red onion, dill or whatever topping you like…
  3. Add some tabasco for a kick!
  4. We like to add some rainbow veggies on the side (for the goodness and the crunch!)
  5. Close or leave open and tuck in! (P.S. we normally hoover this down, in less than a minute!)


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